Hey Guys It’s been a while since I wrote a blog. I’ve been hella busy and time-management is not always one of my strongest suits. But I’m working on it. I believe that as long as you can hold yourself accountable and keep working and are open to grow and learn certain stuff you’ll be oke! You shouldn’t add extra pressure on yourself when you’re doing your best. Just pick a time and pace you will be able to maintain. And work from there.
As we know by now, we artists tend to only want to be busy with making music and be creative and stuff. But the blogging, business meetings, creative meetings, administration, evaluation and preparations are just as important. While writing this blog I saw that I really slipped on being consistent when it comes to blogging and maintaining an up to date website, social media etc. It’s also almost impossible to keep all that up by yourself, so I might be looking in to people who want and can assist in these matters.
As you might remember one of the topics of my previous blogs about your team. You don’t have to do everything yourself. Just surround yourself with people with different talents and just divide and concur. It always feels very satisfying when certain tasks can be checked of your to do list. Cause it’s such a fulfilling moment that you actually have done what you said you would do. Before I’m boring you too much let’s get back to the music.
The one thing I learned from previous experience is that without music coming out on a regular basis you lose your audience and attention from those who are potential business partners and more important fans. So even before I started to put out my own music I had a releaseplan. I wanted to release at least 3 singles in 2018, some with a musicvideo, some not. It all depends on available budget and on how well everything is going. But without expectations I chose to do that no matter what happened. Cause I wanted people to see that I’m not here to play, but that I’m a true artist with a great work ethic. Someone who is always in front of the curve and just thinks things trough. So that recordlabels or booking agencies see that I’m serious and a worthy artist to invest in.
I’m so proud of myself to be honest. And in life we don’t compliment ourselves as much or celebrate our achievements how small they might seem now. It’s so important to celebrate cause your days left on earth are not guaranteed and celebration an gratitude is necessary. And I wanted to take a moment and write about it in this blog. That I actually did what I said I would do in 2018. Not a lot of people can say that. But me and my team we pushed through and made it. And of course there is room to grow and better ourselves but at least we didn’t give up. And I couldn’t be more proud of myself for not losing hope, not getting lost in the results. Cause to be honest we measure our achievements to numbers and of course numbers don’t lie, but it really doesn’t say anything about your worth as a human being.
As 2018 is coming to an end I can honestly say that I released 3 singles and created 2 dope music videos. First single was ‘Over and Done’ in July, 2nd single was ‘C’est la vie’ in September and last but not least was ‘Ay Ta Loco’ in November. This year was a year of investing in myself, my work, my business and a lot of faith and believe from my teammates, friends and family. Who supported in time, patience, money you name it. I feel really blessed to be able to have these Angels in my life. And to have people that really believe in your vision and carry you through the tuff phases of rejection, disappointment and insecurity.
Sometimes I really ask myself why I want this again? Cause I like to think my life would be so easier if I just wanted a regular life. But I think God didn’t put me on this earth to be regular and special things take hard work, time, blood, sweat and tears. But in the end it really all has to be worth it. So that’s why I’m standing still at all these beautiful creations, moments and people that are in my life and I can honestly say, that even though I have my downs, the ups are way more and greater than anything else.
I’ve been creating so many beautiful songs with different producers for future projects so I’m already busy for 2019 and beyond and that kind of consistency and continuity will be rewarded somehow, some way. I’m on this train now and I ‘ll only get off if it’s really the last stop and I’m obligated to leave the train. But until that stop comes, I will just be working, putting out new music and projects just so I can keep the promise to myself that I will do anything to be successful in music. One way or another I will make something out of myself and hope that through my experience and music I can inspire and bless others around me.
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank everybody who has been a part of my journey, who recently joined the team but also all the compliments and reposts people gave me through text and Instagram and Facebook and stuff. I wish you all Happy Holidays and may all your wishes come true! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Stay with me in 2019 and I’ll exceed your expectations! You can count on that!
Kimberley Mungra <3
Credits photo: <a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/fireworks-illustration-of-sparkling-birght-lights-and-bokeh-effect_3090788.htm”>Designed by Vectorpouch</a>
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